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A systematic way to guide people

Heléne Gustavsson is a business developer at the Children and Education Administration at the Vetlanda municipality. She is also a project manager for Leadership Development Across Borders, a prospective program for future managers.


by Emma Aasa


How do you use Point of Value in your work?

Heléne: When I entered as a project manager in Leadership Development Across Borders, I considered values ​​a vital part of coaching leaders. Point of Value is the best self-awareness tool there is. I have built my module based on its ranking, where I mainly focus on the value map and the life compass. 


How does your value module make a difference?

Heléne: Since I work at a the Vetlanda municipality, I work with a lot of different professions where some are more used to working with soft questions, like sociologists and teachers, and some are often not as used to it, like general builders and road workers, but everyone finds it useful and exciting. The response is that it creates a safer workplace. You do not go into the depth of things in the workshops if you don’t want to, but with the value ranking, we have a systematic way of guiding and helping people move on from their floating thoughts.

I often talk about the fact that there are many right ways, but it is essential to find your way. I have found my way by working with values​​, and I notice that it gives a lot to others.


Has working with values had any impact on your personal life?

Heléne: I’m comfortable and safe sharing things about myself, making others dare to do the same. In the evaluations, people tell each other things they have never told anyone else, even in their vicinity. Sometimes it’s liberating to have these conversations with people who may not be the closest to you, those who don’t already have a fixed image of you. 


Who would you recommend value work to? 

Heléne: I recommend Point of Value to anyone who works with future managers. If you want to become a good leader, it is crucial to have good self-awareness. Self-knowledge is the best concrete tool there is. 

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